Tag Archive | cuttings

Plant Experimentation: Confederate Jasmine, Day 12.

Of the two cuttings of Confederate Jasmine, one was completely dessicated.

Two Cuttings of Confederate Jasmine, Day 12.

The dead one I tossed. I believe the other one may have been surviving, because it appeared one of the bottom leaves had a piece of leaf remaining. It looked like there may have been teeny tiny little roots coming from it. Unfortunately, after rinsing and replacing in new water, that half-leaf fell off. Hopefully it bought the poor thing enough time to develop real water roots, but I fear that it may now die.

Remaining Confederate Jasmine Cutting, Day 12.

Plant Experimentation: Honeysuckle Cuttings, D12.

The honeysuckle cuttings are doing well. One of them has a very visible little root sticking out of the bottom. The other one has no sign of root, but has not yet died.

Small Root on Honeysuckle Cutting

It even appears that there might be a small piece of new growth on the top of the cutting with a root. I am not certain, but I do not remember that piece of growth being there before.

Possible New Growth on Honeysuckle Cutting

I took both cuttings out, rinsed in a 10 percent bleach solution to get rid of any funk, and replaced in fresh distilled water.